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Summer Couscous Salad


A tasty summer salad, this dish is perfect for 4 as a side at a barbecue, or as part of a larger meal. Alternatively enjoy as a light lunch for 2. Made using our much loved Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil with Lemon, Garlic, Oregano & Thyme.


80g couscous

200g British garden peas, lightly blanched

2 spring onions, finely sliced

100g radishes, finely sliced

50g parmesan

1 tbsp toasted pine nuts

2 tbsp Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil with Lemon, Garlic, Oregano & Thyme

Fresh thyme and oregano leaves

Juice of ½ lemon, plus lemon slices

Salt and pepper, to season



Make up your couscous to the packet directions. Set aside to cool.

Once cooled, add your peas, spring onions, radishes and pine nuts to the couscous. Add your curls of parmesan and drizzle over the oil and lemon juice.

Season well and gently stir through until all is combined.

Serve with a little fresh oregano and thyme and some slices of lemon.