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Sticky Gingerbread Loaf


A treat of a loaf tin recipe from one of our lovely customers, Barbara Wilford. Here's why Barbara loves it!

"The recipe is a really old one, tried and tested many times, hence it's in imperial measurements.  It is one I was given at school (quite a lot of years ago!)

I use a 1lb loaf tin or sometimes make it in a square tin. Also you can make it a bit lighter by swapping the treacle to golden syrup.  It can be decorated or if left to stand for a few days it goes sticky on top! Delicious!"

5oz Self Raising Flour

Pinch of Salt

1.5 tsp Ground Ginger

4oz Soft Brown Sugar

3 tbsp Black Treacle or Golden Syrup

5 tbsp Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil

1 Egg

1/8 pint Milk



Preheat the oven to 180C.

Combine all the dry ingredients in a large bowl, and  then beat in all the wet ingredients. Pour into a lined loaf or cake tin. Simple!

Bake in the oven for 50-60 minutes. Should be firm to the touch, and if you insert a clean skewer to the bottom of the middle of the cake it should come out clean.


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